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Writer's pictureJack Self

Team Ideation 🍥 Market Research

Whether you have a fully formed team or you are still in the early stages of scouting for team members, use this forum to share team name ideas.

Team :fish-cake: here, AKA Group 7! 🍥

When we were initially asked to pick a group number and no-one had a specific preference I found myself drawn to the number 7 instinctively. Once I saw our group emoji was a fox I connected the two and realised both are strong portions of the anime Naruto - Team 7 being the titular character's assigned squad, and the fox relating to the 9-tailed fox demon residing inside of him.

We discussed this in the team and sent several Naruto/anime-related gifs. Carie mentioned that she often uses emojis instead of team names and jokingly posted the Discord :fish-cake: emoji since it resembles the spiral on Naruto's uniform. We all agreed it was a unique name and ended up deciding we should go ahead and use it as our name. So there we are!

- Adam Hitchen (Group Lead)

Industry Insights by Iain Lobb (feat. Alex Perry)

Former QA Alex Perry is a Producer at Media Molecule. In an interview with Iain Lobb, Perry reflects on her professional practice and organising projects.

I found Perry's insights to be fascinating and somewhat intriguing. In this interview, Perry offers advice on working efficiently within the game industry and even shares her personal experiences, which led her to become a producer for Media Molecule. Specific takeaways include:

  • Bugs often get waved as development teams prioritise other aspects.

  • QA is one of the busiest departments.

  • Perry strongly advises to add a contingency plan to any project.

  • Perry was unfamiliar with a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure).

Locative Media, The Physical Web & AR

  1. Dr Lucy Frears' practice-based research on Locative Media includes immersive sound, memories, phenomenology and intangible heritage.

  2. Wo King co-founder of Hi9, talks about the physical web and how it relates to their tech inclusivity mission.

  3. Brian McDonald provides a brief overview of how to integrate the OpenCV Realtime computer vision library into a Unity project.

AR Examples (Unity)


Rapid Ideation Planning

We primarily used the suggested subheadings for this and most of the information actually just came from discussions within our scrum meeting. We were very quick to agree upon our chosen technology for the project (GitHub for version control, Trello for task management, Discord for communication. The roles we have listed in this document are all of the possible roles we thought we may need to fill for this project - however rather than assign permanent people to these, we've taken the approach of being flexible and allowing people to step up to these as/when a task may arise in these domains. This will allow us to continue work moving forwards when people are busier on certain parts of the prototype. Scrum Master will be rotating on a weekly basis depending on who has the best availability to do so.

In terms of goals, each of us has had input in this area but we are largely aligned with what we want to achieve with the module - most commonly we want to get a feel for working with others in a small team and how we can most effectively balance our work to ensure everyone feels as if they are contributing.

- Adam Hitchen (Group Lead)

Target Market Research & User Persona(s)


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