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Writer's pictureJack Self

Time Management & Agile Development

Updated: Apr 7, 2022

Week 1 (Research) - Many methodologies can be applied to a System’s Development Life Cycle (SDLC). I will break down and reflect upon two popular models: Waterfall and Scrum. To conclude, I will devise a rough plan that will cater to one model. This plan will hopefully ensure I stay on track with my studies.



The Waterfall model is a traditional approach to developing a system. It is extremely linear and once a stage is complete, you are unable to go backwards as this could hinder the project. The nine stages are as follows: Plan, Define, Design, Build, Test, Deploy, Maintain, Evaluation and Disposal. Planning is significant due to the fact developing the system happens during the late stages of Waterfall. This model is a popular choice amongst big conglomerates as they have the experience and necessary means to follow a much more linear approach.

If the preparation is correct, Waterfall can be a successful approach in developing a system. I am intrigued to practice this methodology, although I wonder if this model benefits developers with experience rather than beginners.

Agile (Scrum)

Agile development allows for more flexibility as developers can move freely between stages close to the current one. Many methodologies and practices sit below the term ‘Agile’. In this case, I will be reflecting upon Scrum. Scrum consists of small teams that work in effective ways to deliver the project on time. With rules put in place and key members of the team having responsibility for the project, rather than the group; a scrum can be an effective methodology in delivering a system or product on time.

The SDLC is made up of sprints rather than defined stages. I have used this methodology before because it is renowned for being beginner-friendly as it allows users to go back and iterate on designs.


In conclusion, both methodologies have their advantages. I believe Agile to be a modern approach, whilst also being beginner-friendly. I must stay up to date with my studies and Agile offers the ability to go back and iterate if I need to.


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