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Writer's pictureJack Self

Time & Project Management

Updated: Apr 12, 2022

Week 4 (Research) - Managing a project in a team or independently can be a challenging experience for any developer. In this weeks lecture, Giovanni Rubino discusses how to manage time effectively during a project's life cycle. Rubino begins by outlining significant positions within a development team. Namely, there is a producer who is often responsible for business plans and budgets and project managers who tend to oversee milestones, deadlines and staff.

Rubino then promotes agile development as an effective way of managing a project as it prioritises individuals and interaction, working software, customer collaboration and change. Users should start by electing a producer who will then enforce a production plan and manage future meetings. Meetings can be held face-to-face or on virtual conference platforms. Before the meetings commence, they must have an agenda. During the meeting, everybody has a chance to voice their opinions/suggestions without being interrupted. A member is required to track minutes and make notes of important decisions. This helps to track the project and update absentees. Lastly, Rubino suggests using a Kanban board to help oversee the production.

Reflecting on Giovanni Rubino's Lecture

Giovanni Rubino lecture was both informative and engaging. The mention of virtual conference platforms and Kanban boards are subjects to consider going into the first rapid ideation (RI) event. This is a great way of communicating ideas online and managing my project throughout the event. I have experience using Discord (virtual chat-room) (Figure 1) and HacknPlan (Figure 2), although I want to use this RI event as an opportunity to experiment with other software. Practising with unfamiliar software will benefit me as a developer as I seek to broaden my skill set. However, I need to consider the risks, such as the time it will take to learn the software and whether the tool is effective in what I want.

Virtual Conference Platforms

Below I have listed a variety of online conference software, in addition to their pros and cons based on personal preference and research:

  • Discord - Discord (Figure 1) is an instant messaging and digital distribution platform. I have the most experience using this application. Moreover, Discord makes it easy to collaborate and work with peers. However, there is an 8MB upload limit (free version).

  • Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Teams is a business communication platform. It prioritises schedules and virtual meetings. However, the file structure is often confusing and can lead to frustration (Ousmanova, 2022).

  • Zoom - Zoom is an online communication service. It is simple to use and scalable depending on the size of your business. Although it is a subscription-based service, which means you are limited to certain features if you do not pay (Giaquinto, 2020).

  • Skype - Skype is a telecommunications application. It is easy to install and use. However sound quality relies on bandwidth and there is a lack of noise suppression like on other applications (Gaille, 2015).

Figure 1: Discord (User Interface)

Virtual Kanban Boards

Below I have listed several Kanban applications, in addition to their pros and cons based on personal use and research:

  • HacknPlan - HacknPlan is a project management tool used for game development. It includes a variety of features such as charts and metrics. However, HacknPlan is broken into four tiers (three of which requires paying) restricting certain features.

  • Trello - Trello is an organisation tool that helps to manage projects. The user interface is relativity easy to use. Although, it can become quite cluttered as the project grows (Waterworth, 2021).

  • nTask - nTask is a free task management platform. It is clear and efficient in tracking work. Although, like Trello, it can become messy as the project grows (Usmani, 2021).

  • ProofHub - ProofHub is project management software. It allows for easy and fast communication and unlimited users. However, it lacks budgeting tools (Duffy, 2021).

Figure 2: HacknPlan (The Forsaken Ruins)

Game Jams by Martin Cooke

How to get Involved

There are many online game jams open to the public. Before participating, Cooke suggests users should decide on how they want to work and what tools they want to use. Users should practise using different game engines and software before making definitive decisions.

Useful Tips

  • Consider using collaboration tools if working in a team.

  • Often your first idea won’t be your best. Brainstorm ideas and weigh up the pros and cons of each.

  • Pick something that is achievable. Refine ideas to get the minimum viable product. Add more features later if you have time.

  • Eat and sleep well and take breaks. Stand back from your monitor and you start to consider the bigger picture.

  • Allow plenty of time before you submit your game.

  • Engage in the community by testing and playing games. Game jams are not a competition.

Reflecting on Martin Cooke's Lecture

Martin Cooke's lecture on game jams was very insightful. Cooke raised interesting topics to consider when wanting to participate in game jams. Such as knowing what tools you want to work with before diving into the event. Furthermore, Cooke states a benefit for participating is that you receive unfiltered feedback from strangers rather than friends. This is something I did not consider before. Having a balance of friend and stranger feedback means you are more inclined to receive positive and genuine comments.

Conclusion & Reflection

In conclusion, the course lectures from Giovanni Rubino and Martin Cooke offered a variety of advice on topics of project management and game jams. This led me to research different virtual conference platforms and Kanban boards in preparation for the first RI event. I highlighted the pros and cons of each and will make my decision before the event occurs midweek. I am intrigued to know what implications Cooke's advice has on my future projects.


  • Discord, Inc. (2015) Discord (Version 0.0.309) [Computer Program]. Available at: (Downloaded: 15 February 2022)

  • Microsoft. (2021) Microsoft Teams (Version [Computer Program]. Available at: (Downloaded: 15 February 2022)

  • Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (2013) Zoom (Version 5.8. 0 (1324)) [Computer Program]. Available at: (Downloaded: 15 February 2022)

  • Microsoft. (2003) Skype (Version [Computer Program]. Available at: (Downloaded: 15 February 2022)

  • Estevez, C., 2017. Project Management for Game Development - HacknPlan. [online] HacknPlan. Available at: <> [Accessed 15 February 2022].

  • 2011. Trello. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 February 2022].

  • nTask. 2018. nTask - Free Online Task & Project Management Software for Teams - nTask. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 February 2022].

  • 2011. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 15 February 2022].

  • Ousmanova, K., 2022. The Pros and Cons of Microsoft Teams - Vacation Tracker. [online] Vacation Tracker. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].

  • Giaquinto, R., 2020. Pros and Cons of Using Zoom, Keeping Businesses and Events Going. [online] GreenGeeks Blog. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].

  • Gaille, B., 2015. 14 Skype Pros and Cons. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].

  • Waterworth, K., 2021. Pros and Cons of Using Trello to Manage Your Project. [online] The Blueprint. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].

  • Usmani, F., 2021. nTask Review: Pricing, Pros & Cons, and Top Features. [online] PM Study Circle. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].

  • Duffy, J., 2021. ProofHub. [online] PCMag UK. Available at: <> [Accessed 18 February 2022].


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